Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This was a post I wrote May 2012 on another blog that I am no longer posting on.......

As I am struggling through this challenging time right now investing lots of time and money in Therapy for Ganesha I often wonder to myself what am I doing, is it making any difference or am I just creating more frustration and stress for all of us. This morning was one of those mornings. Ganesha was not allowed back in school until she was cleared by her Psychiatrist to return to school, so we spent the morning at the office of the therapist and psychiatrist getting seen and cleared to return to school. Me I felt like it was judgment day and was waiting for the shoe to drop yet once again, sitting there all morning with the my stomach in my chest.

Judgment time...I am called into the office to speak with the Psychiatrist. That is when I learn that it is all worth it and that we have created a safe environment for Ganesha there where she can begin to really speak her feelings and ask for help. While visiting with the Psychiatrist today she blurted out that the she hates her life because mommy hates her. As heartbreaking it is to hear your 6 year old suffering with such big and painful feelings/issues it was warming to my heart to know that I have successfully created a place for her where she feels safe enough to express these feelings. Just knowing that alone makes all the struggles worth it, in the therapy office we have created a little ray of light.

Now the next challenge with Briana being on home school for the remainder of the year is to find the school setting where a similar space can be created for her and she can continue to grow there as well.

Today April 16, 2013.......

Knowing that I have created a safe little world for Ganesha where she has not been asked to leave school, since starting the new school, and she is comfortable though still hesitant to tell me when she is not happy with her life.  I have seen amazing changes in her over the past 11 months; we have gone months where she seems like a happy child.  Not quite carefree but happy for the majority of the time.  Ganesha's general stress levels seem lower, except at certain times when she is reminded of the losses she has suffered in her life.  

My struggle now is how do I keep her safe in the world.  Terrible things happen in this world and while she needs to know about them she takes them so hard and personally.  I struggled all last night about telling Ganesha about the terror attacks in Boston yesterday, I finally decided to tell her that there was an explosion.  I told her that two people died and many people were hurt badly.  She asked me questions about what kind of injuries they had and I answered her questions.  I also reassured that the people I knew in the Boston area (having gone to college in Boston) were all fine.  Ganesha went off to sleep without any hesitations.  I went downstairs to watch TV after she was asleep and feel asleep with the TV on a news channel.  Ganesha came to get me in the middle of the night.  Before I woke she spent some time watching TV and was able to tell me that a child died when I woke.  Imagine my horror when my child was telling me about a child dying from something that I was trying hard to protect her from.  This morning we didn't get a chance to talk about because we were running late for school.  Ganesha had a challenged day at school but by the afternoon she was able to pull herself together   Something that a year ago she would have never been able to do.  

I will not get to talk to her until tomorrow morning since she will be asleep when I get home from after 8 pm   When I do I will keep the following quote in mind:

""When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.” - Mr Rogers

I am going to try emphasizing the positive things that happened.  How everyone was helping all the people go hurt.  How the people who were running finished running and ran to the closest hospital to give blood to help the wounded.  How people from cities all over the country are sending prayers and love to the people of Boston.  How the Yankees are playing "Sweet Caroline" tonight during the third inning to show their support for Boston.  

When these horrible things happen in this world is when we get to see the best of mankind.  This is when we as country, as a people come tighter and show the world what it means to be an American and what it is to be proud of our country.  It does not matter who did this to us we are going to take a stand to them and show them that we are better than this and they cannot get us down. 

These are the lessons I want my daughter to learn from these horrible events of yesterday.  Not that the world is a horrible place filled with violence, but a place filled with people who are willing to unite under tough times and stand together.  Just as she and I stand together on a daily basis through our high points and low points.  That really the world is not a lot different from our little family and that she should not scare but embrace it and go out there and live it in it.

11 months ago she would not have been able to hear this lesson, now I think that she is.  I just need to find the right time.

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne, this is very moving! I think to our little travel fiasco when we met. It really affected Max and he still hates to travel, worried it will happen again. He is a wreck when Steve travels. The only bright spot was your family, working together with us and finding a way in a tough situation. There really is a lot of positives in this world, focusing on that is a great lesson for our kids.

    Thrilled she is in an environment where she feels safe.
